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Aug. 17 2012
Chopping or baling soybeans can help fill forage needs. That's the message from the University of Illinois' Mike Hutjens who has posted a 7-minute video discussion on the subject
Aug. 16 2012
In a state often fraught with regulatory burdens, New York's political entity has finally seen the need to work with and not against agriculture in upstate. The current boom in the state's yogurt industry...
Aug. 14 2012
Hoard's Dairyman completed its 20th webinar yesterday. Paul Fricke of the University of Wisconsin-Madison shared "Five keys to reproductive success" with attendees from 25 states, seven Canadian provinces...
Aug. 13 2012
Leave it to farm kids to come up with creative ideas. When gathered with family over the 4th of July, Clymer, N.Y. brothers, 18-year-old Justin and 9-year-old Fred White decided to respond to the recent...
Aug. 10 2012
Bad has turned to worse for milk producers in the nation's largest dairy state. Few, if any, California dairies managed to fully recover from the 2009 cost:price crisis before another outbreak in 2012
Aug. 9 2012
For most of the summer, major portions of the U.S. have experienced drought conditions. With the plants most of us bank on as a feed source under stress, our risk of harvesting forages that have excessive...
Aug. 8 2012
Immigration reform is an ongoing national debate. Those of us involved in the paperwork and potential legal harassment associated with finding capable, willing and possibly foreign workers have considered...
Aug. 7 2012
While those may not be your favorite football teams, Dairy Management Inc. still is looking for you to show your favorite team spirit with a dairy twist by entering the "Show your pride" dairy producer...
Aug. 6 2012
Youth at the Wisconsin State Fair share messages with fairgoers. Showing livestock at the fair can be a hectic time filled with preparing for shows and interviews, as well as keeping up with chores at...
Aug. 3 2012
In Raleigh, N.C., North America's finest natural cheesemakers are meeting this week for the American Cheese Society's (ACS) annual conference and cheese competition
Aug. 2 2012
To remain a player we cannot remain disinvested in agriculture. Last Thursday we shared some insight from Sonny Ramaswamy the recently appointed director of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture...
Aug. 1 2012
Corn, soybeans and hay aren't the only dairy feed staples expected to have more limited supplies this fall. A slightly smaller U.S. cotton crop is also forecast, which means the amount of cottonseed available...
July 31 2012
Last fall the Purebred Dairy Cattle Association (PDCA) updated their showmanship scorecard. The committee felt the scorecard should more accurately reflect how showmanship is evaluated. They removed the...
July 30 2012
Raising healthy calves is critical to the future and profitability of a dairy, so evaluating calf health should not be taken lightly. Sheila McGuirk, D.V.M., who is a regular veterinary columnist for Hoard's...
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July 26 2012
With half of the country now in a drought disaster area, if there was ever a year for dairy farmers to take reducing silage losses seriously, this is it. The most silage you have is when it is standing...
July 25 2012
Most dairy nutritionists already have been stuffing cows with as many alternative feeds as they can lay their ration formulas on. If there is less corn or soybeans at harvest time, due to our current...
July 25 2012
Recently, Sonny Ramaswamy was appointed to serve as director of the USDA's National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
July 24 2012
We have all read stories, seen comments, and observed television interviews that contain less-than-accurate information on our industry and our practices. We get irritated, but wonder if it is worth the...
July 23 2012
It's hard to watch milk production drop during extended periods of high temperature. As you try to stay hydrated and cool while working outside during hot and humid temperatures, you must work even harder...
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July 20 2012
USDA's National Agricultural Statistics Service says 2012 will make it three record almond crop years in a row in California, which produces virtually all of the almonds in the U.S